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COTY LUXURY FOR LANCASTER | Sector: beauty retail

With a beautifully branded landing page, inspired by a luxurious summer holiday, the brand has brought up the desire for summer skincare products by interacting with their target audience.
Whichit’s Interactive Commercial Content (ICC), enabled the brand to learn more about their target audience, their skincare routine and product preferences, and also to offer them a tailored line of products suitable for their needs.

  • 95% of the participants across all channels have been completed the entire questionnaire.

  • The Whichit Engage Card converted over 34% of the viewers to take a commercial action.

  • The brand gathered insightful data about their audience and now able to build micro audiences.


Coty is a world leading beauty company making cosmetic, skincare, fragrances, hair color and styling brands loved by many. Founded in 1904, Coty has gathered a unique savoir-faire and a drive for excellence. Coty Luxury is all about celebrating unlimited beauty in luxury fragrances, high-end skincare and color cosmetics products.

With a unique contemporary-relevant brand portfolio and the privilege to work with the current creative elite of the world, Coty sees their role is to fulfill our consumer’s aspirations with sophisticated creative execution and an uncompromising quality of products and services.


The client wanted to engage with the target audience to create awareness for Lancaster’s Skin care products, and drive sales through a local e-retailer.

Coty Lancaster landing page.png

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