Interactive commercial content

Creative Team reveals 6 easy ways to make an ad stand out from the crowd


Galit Gan
Creative Director
& Co-Founder


Juliana Soto von Arnim
Junior Digital

You may have noticed that the impact of online ads is dropping because of how intrusive they have become. While ad blocker downloads increase as people prefer not to see advertising while browsing, brands have started to look for less intrusive and more engaging ways to attract their audience with digital advertising.

Finding the perfect strategy to achieve great results in your marketing campaigns can be a long and difficult process, but it is feasible and very much lies in the creatives.

The Creative Team of Whichit is here to give some tips that can help you make the most of your advertising. Facing the constant challenge of coming up with ideas for creative and engaging ads for Whichit’s diverse client portfolio, they have accomplished extraordinary results with them in past campaigns. See some case studies here.   

Today, Whichit’s Creative Team shares with you 6 easy ways for making an ad stand out from the crowd:

1.   Appealing copywriting

People come across dozens of ads every day, therefore, you need to make sure that your advertisement captures your audience’s attention in seconds. You can get there by creating a headline your audience is interested in and is written in a way that will make them curious enough to continue reading. People pay attention to a header that is teaching them ‘how to do’ something, stating an interesting fact, asking them a question, or giving them a direct offer. When creating a powerful headline, also include the most important benefit of your product or service. Once you have it, test it and rewrite it when you see that it is not getting the expected results anymore.

For example, if your audience likes travelling, you could write an attention-grabbing headline such as ‘How to travel for free,’ or you could invite them to answer a question like ‘What’s your dream holiday destination?’. 

Appealing coppywritting example.png
Appealing coppywritting example.png

2.   Tell them something they don’t know

Be creative and choose to provide content that will lead your audience to engage with your ad. Start by mentioning a trending topic or a seasonal event coming up. Including numbers or statistics to support your idea is encouraged, since this will not only show credibility but also prove how helpful your product or service has been for your clients. 

Also, consider engaging your audience with a personality quiz in which the outcome is based on their preferences, for example, ‘Discover what type of traveller you are’. This type of content is always popular because the audience enjoys discovering and sharing the result they get in the end. A meaningful interaction like this will result in a loyal customer for years.

3.  Use striking images

90% of the information our brain processes is visual. People love visuals, and advertisers know it. Captivate your audience by including exciting graphics in your digital ads. Always consider the colours you’re going to use. Try not to choose a background that is too flashy, bright, or one in which your product is lost. Also, if you’re using text in the images, make sure it is readable and is not getting lost in the details of the image. Never neglect your branding and be consistent with what you include in your ads so that your audience can easily identify you.

Source: Graphix Artist
Source: Ikea by DDB Tribal

Source: Ikea by DDB Tribal

It is not about making the elements in your ad compete with each other, but highlighting the most important message. Read more tips on how to make your ad awesome.

4.   Make your ad interactive

Bringing the audience to interact with your ad will draw more meaning out of it and can result in a win-win situation for the brand-consumer relationship.

Interactive ads create a richer experience for your audience, and making them more involved will generate greater interest in the brand. But, ‘Interactive ad’ - What does that mean? Interactive ads are defined as involving mutual action between consumers and producers without having the consumer click through. Asking the user to play a little game or take part in a quiz will be a great way to increase the click-through rate of your ad, as interactive content generates 2x more conversions than passive content (source: Kapost).


Click the example to see a great idea for an interactive ad>>> 



5.   Personalisation makes the difference

McKinsey’s study found that companies using “data-driven personalisation as the core factor for marketing and sales decisions can improve marketing ROI by 15% to 20%”. Data is the key here. The clever use of data and real-time information will allow marketers to create online ads that are relevant and personalised, engaging the right people with the right information.

How can you actually do that? Walk the extra mile and split your target audience into smaller groups (by interests, ages, etc). Tailoring your message to individuals using different creative and copy will increase the chances that your ad can actually make an impact.

Retargeting is not only for advanced marketers! Ad targeting based on individual online behaviour can be easily achieved by placing a Facebook/Google pixel into your campaign. A retargeting campaign is not limited only to online advertising. A good tip is to place a Facebook pixel in emails and then retarget the receivers who open with a personalized paid ad (check how you can do that using MailChimp).

Whichit’s Creative team embraces personalisation whilst using a bespoke Call-to-Action. “While creating an interactive ad unit, we are tailoring different commercial offers, based on the users’ outcomes or interactions. This way we significantly increase the chances of the user to interact with a commercial offer that is relevant for him”, says Galit Gan, Co-founder & Creative Director of Whichit.

6.   Pick the right ad size

Effective digital ads are designed to increase brand awareness and drive traffic to your website. The size of the elements you include in your ad, like logo, headline and copywriting, will determine which size is best for you. Also, a tip that will help you collect more clicks is using the most effective size ads recommended by Google.

If you’re including text over an image, use a size that will help your audience read it easily like ‘Medium Page’ (MPU) or ‘half page’ (Double MPU). If your headline and copywriting are both short, use the ‘Leaderboard’ size so they don’t have trouble reading your message, but take into consideration that in this case, your image will be minimal. Check below some ads from Ebay:

Source: eBay

Source: eBay


That’s it for now.

Are you ready to start creating your ad?
Try Whichit and get the process started!

Whichit is an online platform that allows you to easily create your own interactive ads and run it on multiple channels. The ads are fun, innovative and undisruptive, enabling you to gain actionable insights about your audience while they interact with them, all in real time. Additionally, Whichit contains an interactive analytics dashboard that summarises the data collected from your campaign in a way that’s very easy to comprehend so you don’t have to spend hours on it.

Seiter, C (2016, June 1) 8 Winning Headline Strategies and the Psychology Behind Them


Press Release: Whichit for Advertisers is significantly increasing B2B clients' engagement after launching earlier this year

Press Release, London, October 9, 2017: Whichit, one of the hundred fast-growth companies in the UK according to ‘The Leap 100’, launched their Interactive Commercial Content platform, Whichit for Advertisers, earlier this year.

The company founded in 2014, has launched its innovative B2B platform for marketers and advertisers allowing them to create Interactive Commercial Content in the form of polls, quizzes and surveys with a commercial focus. Not long after the launch, advertisers who have used Whichit are achieving phenomenal results from their marketing campaigns and generating up to 90% user engagement rates with this innovative rich media content.   

Whichit for Advertisers is now live!


Galit Gan
Creative Director & Co-Founder


Let's face it, as marketers there are tons of challenges we encounter: reaching our audience, engaging with them, understanding them and having them understand us, not to mention the amount of time it all takes! Well, what if you had a window into your audience? What if you could engage with them like never before and save time by streamlining your campaigns and marketing efforts?

Great news! Whichit for Advertisers has now launched.

Using the new platform, you can now create rich media interactive ad units that run on multiple channels.
By creating content, connecting to traffic and targeting an audience, discover how Whichit will redefine your digital marketing strategy.

Let’s take a look!

Whichit for Advertisers

Whichit for Advertisers

Whichit for Advertisers

Build your own creative

Create rich, commercially driven interactive content, delivering a new and improved experience for your audience. The ad units come in the form of polls, surveys, quizzes or simple questions illustrated with visuals of your choice.

If you were looking for a way to make advertising more inviting for your audience, Whichit provides a tool for you to pull them into your world so you can take a look into theirs. 

Try it yourself, check out how to make an awesome post to engage your audience.


Connect to traffic

How do you reach your audience? Twitter, Facebook, your blog, paid advertising? How many posts or ads do you need to create for each and how much time and effort does it take? Save time and create one Whichit Post that can be run on multiple channels and in multiple sizes. Through our three campaign channels, you will be able to run an organic campaign using your own assets, launch on paid traffic or share it to social media in a few easy steps.

Target your audience

You can now create Whichit posts and use them to target your audience. Target by age, gender, location and more to reach out and engage them. 

Targeting your audience has never been easier thanks to our playful dashboard

Targeting your audience has never been easier thanks to our playful dashboard


Now that your campaign is running, you’ll probably want to see how it’s performed. Our platform includes an integrated dashboard for each live campaign that allows you to monitor and analyse your campaign’s success in real time. It is super easy to navigate and presents you with actionable customer insights.


Closing the Loop

Whichit is a One-Stop-Shop with a full range of marketing services. Engage your audience, find out more about them and retarget with the right message using our integration tools to automate your marketing and sales ops. Check out all the available integrations such as EMAIL, SLACK, MAILCHIMP, IFTTT and more.

Available integrations in Whichit for Advertisers

Available integrations in Whichit for Advertisers


What's in it for me?

Anybody can create an interactive campaign in minutes

All services are accessible from our platform in an intuitive way. Whichit will take you by the hand, step by step to run a campaign like a pro. Building a campaign has never been so quick and accessible.



Using our interactive posts’ Engage Card, achieve up to 95% engagement rate per campaign! This will be the perfect way to catch a glimpse into your customers' mind and share with them an experience, a story or a call to action.


Market research as a Bonus

By asking a question, you encourage your audience to interact with you and you also benefit from the insights provided by their answers. Want to showcase your products? Want to know which one is the most popular or which colour they prefer? Just ask!


Want to give it a try? 


Want to learn more? Schedule a demo call with us!

Whichit's in the Fast Lane! We're featured in the The Fresh Business Thinking Shift 100 - MAdtech Edition!


Galit Gan
Creative Director & Co-Founder


We are delighted to announce that Whichit has been included within The Fresh Business Thinking Shift 100 - the MAdtech edition - in association with KPMG Small Business Accounting. We're in the Fast Lane! 

The Shift 100 has been put together to identify Madtech (Marketing and Advertising) entrepreneurs who are using technology to bring new ideas to marketing and advertising, which is fundamentally reshaping the advertising and media industry and altering how consumers “consume” content.

The Founding team: Jonathan, Yarden and Galit

The Founding team: Jonathan, Yarden and Galit

Fresh Business Thinking is recognising and celebrating the entrepreneurs who are building cutting-edge solutions and bringing tech innovation to the UK’s marketing and advertising scene.

We are very happy to announce that Whichit is one of those chosen!
You can check out Whichit’s profile page here.

About Whichit:
Whichit is a platform to create and publish Interactive Commercial Content. Within minutes advertisers can create a beautiful bespoke interactive display ads. These can be embedded practically anywhere... including our network of publishers. These highly engaging ads not only drive traffic, they also provide highly useful insights about your target audience.

The Two Most Important Things For Marketers In 2017

There has been a shift in brands demands, they want to target their audience in a hyper-personalised way. They want to tailor the commercial message specifically to their wants and needs. Directing messages in a bespoke customer focused way will inevitably lead to higher conversion rates and increased ROI.

Even classic industry companies like Nxstage Medical have realised that in order to increase sales their marketing has to be relevant to specific sectors. While realising their main target market is the Spanish-speaking Hispanic community in the U.S (15% of their home kidney-analysis equipment) – the Massachusetts based company created brochures and a specific website in Spanish. These examples are backed up by celebrity endorsement, Twitter & Facebook accounts in Spanish as well.

Whichit Carousel & Whichit Survey… They’re in Whichit Pro!


Galit Gan
Creative Director & Co-Founder


Hey there,

Great news! We’ve released two brand new features; you’re now able to create a Whichit Carousel as well as a Whichit Survey super easily all by yourself!

Whichit Carousel

The Whichit Carousel is a single embedded Whichit Post, which will be automatically changed if the customer is visiting your page again or if the page is refreshed. That means that you can deliver multiple Whichit Posts by using just one embed code.

Go to your Whichit Home Page, click on ‘Create’ and choose ‘Carousel’. You will be asked to choose the single Whichit Posts you want to integrate in the Carousel, which you have created earlier.

Select single Whichit Posts you want to integrate into your Survey or Carousel

Select single Whichit Posts you want to integrate into your Survey or Carousel

Whichit Survey

The Whichit Survey allows you to deliver multiple questions in an interactive image based Whichit. So, you get to ask your audience the really important questions you want to know the answers to… or something fun to engage with them. Based on how they answer you can segment your audience by their preferences and automatically serve them the correct commercial message. (You can also use our new software integrations to help you retarget them through your different channels!)

Go to your Whichit Home Page, click on ‘Create’ and choose ‘Survey’. You will be asked to choose the single Whichit Posts you want to integrate into the Survey, which you have created before. Afterwards you’re able to choose your Engage Card in the normal way. That’s it, done!

That sounds great, doesn’t it? It’s super quick and easy and you can find out so much information about your audience!

The proof of the pudding is in the eating, so go for it!


Stay tuned,
The Whichit Team

Whichit IAB Standard Sizes are now available!

Title – Whichit IAB Standard Sizes are now available!

Hi Everyone,

We have great news. Our Whichit Posts are now available in different sizes that fit the IAB standard ad units!

What does it mean?

The IAB (Internet Advertising Bureau) defined a set of sizes offered by the majority of online publishers and advertisers who primarily use this set of standard sizes for their campaigns.  These standards have the ability to facilitate online and mobile advertising for all parties. 

6 Killer Marketing Campaign Ideas for Christmas

It’s that time of the year again!  Christmas lights are already up on Oxford Street! But are you prepared for the Christmas season as well? – We are! And we also have some early Christmas gifts for you!! In this post we’ve picked up the most efficient marketing campaigns for your business to make sure that you will have a booming holiday season! So choose one, increase your holiday sales and as a result you will find some more gifts under your own Christmas tree ;-)