Win Your Audience's Heart With New Ideas For Valentine's Day Campaigns


Galit Gan
Creative Director & Co-Founder


Hey Everyone,

Love is (almost) in the air! Make sure your audience ‘feel the love’ this Valentine’s day! We’ve got some great new features that can help you engage with them in a fun way that can inspire them to get the perfect gift for their ‘special someone’.

quiz marketing 

It’s a Trivia Quiz, You can now ask your audience a series of questions and score them. Based on how many answers the user guesses correctly or not you can customise the commercial message to them.

It’s a great way to play with your audience and give something back to them. Provide them some entertainment! Test their knowledge, see what their score is on the Romance Scale... All of this increases the chance that they will engage with your commercial message and remember your brand fondly. They won’t just read your content, they’ll be involved in it!!

What's your favourite colour?

Musical Whichits are now here! Serenade your paramour.

What a wonderful way to get you into the Valentine’s spirit with music in our ears! We are now supporting Musical Whichits. So if you have a song to play? Or sounds you want your audience to hear? You can now serve it in a Whichit and engage with them in a fun and simple new way! All of this can be served in a beautiful ad unit that you can run through your programmatic advertising. Let’s get those love songs out there!



You can check both of these features out Here

Why don’t you go crazy... You could even combine the two! Incorporate music into your Whichit Trivia quiz.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out on or fill out this form to schedule a call with one of our account managers.


Happy Valentine's Day!

Lot’s of love and kisses,
The Whichit Team ;p