snapchat for business

Case Study: How Letts Revision drove new customer acquisition and brand awareness

Written by: Chloe Rowan

Harper Collins Publishers is the second largest consumer book publisher in the world. In March 2018, they started a 15-day Whichit campaign to increase brand awareness and drive sales for their Letts Revision range, targeting GCSE and A Level students and their parents.

Whichit creates interactive and engaging adverts, mostly in the form of quizzes, trivia, surveys and polls. They designed two single posts to appear on Facebook, and a humorous video ad for Snapchat. All adverts ended with a Call-to-Action, and one Facebook post was aimed at single mothers aged 35-55 with 15-18 year old children, while the other two ads were aimed at 15-18 year old children.
Click below to see the video>>


The Snapchat ad saw over 1 million impressions, 42,000 swipe ups, and 30,438 unique views to the Whichit quiz which was linked in the Call-to-Action at the end of the video. The Facebook ads delivered 195,000 impressions, and the cost per engagement was 50% lower than the education industry benchmark.

The campaign increased reach and awareness amongst secondary school students and their parents, and gained insightful data about their audience’s behaviour.

Do you want similar results?

Launch your Whichit campaign on Snapchat! Captivate your audience with 5X click-through-rate.

Read more on Whichit’s case studies here: